Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We Can't Always Be Strong

I have to say...
yesterday was terrible.
It was just one of those days where
you want to be alone,
and pretty much talk to NO ONE!

It is HARD for me to remember
that it is IMPOSSIBLE for me
to be strong all the time.
We all have days where we just need
to take a step back
and just let life be.

I am constantly trying to figure out
how everything will turn out,
and why things are happening.
It would be safe to say that I am ANALYZER
(If that is a word)

Some days are tough.

I am just grateful that I have
friends who can help me through
the tough days so that I can turn around and help
them with their TOUGH days.

I need to remember this!
Because none of us are perfect,
and no one is expecting us to be.

as hard as that might be...

1 comment:

  1. yes yes yes. girl you have your head on completely straight. thing is.. you are always being strong for other people.. and it's completely normal to lose it sometiems. i love you & am always here. ALWAYS.
    ♥ ♥
