Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Amber and Tay

Amanda and Taylor.
(The girls on my new title page)
These two girls are people
who have changed my life!
The way they look at life is so inspiring!
I am so lucky to have such
good examples in my life.
I couldn't ask for better friends!!
I know that both of them are always
there for me and I want them both to
know... that I will always be here for you too!!

You both are far more...
and Helpul.
Than you think you are!!

I love you both!
Thank you for everything you have done for me
and for everything you have taught me!!

I will forever be grateful.
Love you Amanda and Taylor!!

1 comment:

  1. awww. laura i love you too. your new blog is looking good!! i love it. we need to catch up soon. i miss talking every single day. it's disgustingly wrong that we don't anymore. love you much, besty.

    ♥ xoxo.
