What if?
Our lives are a constant WHAT IF.
In my day to day life I can't help but think to myself
what if this happened or what if that happened...
We are always living our lives wondering what
is going to happen next.
We hardly ever just live life in the moment.
I am seriously the queen of this.
I am 19 going on 25!!
I am always trying to hurry my life along
and I need to stop!!
I need to enjoy what life is bringing me
So here is my new goal.
Live life in the now,
I am going to try to stop thinking about
what is going to happen
six months, a year, or even five years from now.
I am going to be happy with the way life is
and I am going to stop hurrying it along!
Everything will happen when it is supposed too!
It may not be on my timeline,
but the lord knows more than I do.
I am going to trust in him.
Everything will happen when the time is right!
Hang in there--- Time will tell! :)